Myth: Weight Loss Diets Actually Work The weight loss industry wants you to believe that “diets” work. Weight loss is a “cash cow” and the industry wants its slice of the pie. However, studies show that dieting almost never works in the long-term. 85% of people end up gaining the weight back within a year […]

Myth: Eating Fat Makes You Fat Your body fat is stored fat or potential energy. It might seem logical that eating more of the fat stuff will make you store more of it in your body. However, there is nothing uniquely fattening about fat, except that it is often found in calorie-dense junk foods. Fat-storing […]

Myth: Carbs Make You Fat Low-carb diets can help with weight loss as has been shown in research articles (1). As long as the carbs are kept low and protein intake is high, people lose weight. Low-carb diets can help with weight loss, but that does not automatically mean that the inverse is true — […]

Myth: “Eat Less, Move More” is Solid Advice The fat in your body is a stored energy source. It has a potential for the use as energy but only under the correct circumstances. To lose fat, more calories need to be leaving your fat cells than entering them. In other words, if you are burning […]

Myth: Being Overweight is about Willpower, Not Biology We often hear slogans or mantras like, “Mind over matter” or “You are what you think” in relationship to dieting and exercise programs. Mantras like these are about leveraging the power of will power and are designed to put us in control of our lives, our progress […]

Myth: The Scale is the Only Way to Know It’s Working The weight scale has become an obsession for many people. They weigh themselves every day (sometimes multiple times in a day) and then get emotionally worked up if they are up half pound or are not losing the weight fast enough. This obsession with […]

Myth: Lose 30 Pounds in 30 Days Did you know that losing more than 2 pounds a week puts you at risk? Studies show that people who lose more than 2 pounds in a week through dieting are more prone to health hazards compared to others who follow a sustainable weight loss program (and who […]

Myth: Supplements Can Help You Lose Weight The cause of the unwanted weight gain is a breakdown in the health of the body. There is a breakdown in the organ system, glandular system or hormones, etc. somewhere in the body and the result is fat-storing. The weight loss supplement industry is massive. There are all […]

Myth: Losing Weight is a Linear Process Once you start on a weight loss program it is all downhill, right? Unfortunately, losing weight is usually not a linear process, like some people think. I have noticed that your body type greatly influences how quickly or slowly you lose those unwanted pounds. Some people will lose […]

Myth: You have to Lose Weight to Get Healthy You have no doubt heard that you should lose weight so you can be healthier. Obesity and weight gain has been linked to higher risk for diseases like diabetes, arthritis and stroke. Right? People have been pushing the idea that fats directly causes these other problems. […]