Myth: Counting Calories is the Way to Lose Weight “The formula for losing weight really quite simple,” said Dr. Carl Hastings, head of research, development and manufacturing of a nutritional company. “The calories coming in need to be less than the calories going out.” In other words, the way to lose weight is to eat […]

Myth: All “Calories” are Equal The calorie is a measure of energy in food. All calories have the same energy content. However, this does NOT mean that all calorie sources are treated equally in the body. Different foods go through different metabolic pathways and can have vastly different effects on hunger and the hormones that […]

6 Hormones that Burn Fat in Your Body The Holy Grail of weight loss seems to be how to “burn” the fat. Fat is not actually “burned” in the body but is broken down and converted from a stored or potential source of energy into an accessible form of energy. We think of hard, heavy, […]

3 Hormones that Block your Fat-Burning Efforts Despite getting plenty of exercise and cutting calories, many Americans are not able to lose weight. We can’t just blame it all on “You’re eating too much, ” or “You’re not exercising,” or “You’re getting old,” or “You are a woman and going through ‘the change'”. Weight loss […]

In the mid to late 90’s, some 14 million prescriptions were written for Phen-Fen, a diet pill. It was extremely popular for weight loss before it was discovered to cause fatal heart problems and was pulled from the market. Doctors are calling for better medications and the industry is listening. With many weight loss medications […]
We’ve Been Fat-Brainwashed… We have been brainwashed into thinking that our Weight (or Fat) is THE Problem. We have been repetitively taught and told that we need to… “Lose weight to get healthy.” Fueling this statement is the link between excess weight and serious health issues like: Diabetes, Heart Disease, Strokes and certain Cancers. We’ve […]