We’ve Been Fat-Brainwashed… We have been brainwashed into thinking that our Weight (or Fat) is THE Problem. We have been repetitively taught and told that we need to… “Lose weight to get healthy.” Fueling this statement is the link between excess weight and serious health issues like: Diabetes, Heart Disease, Strokes and certain Cancers. We’ve […]
Over the years, I have had many opportunities to meet and interact with people from many walks of life. On more occasions than I can count, I have had people tell me that they are “pretty healthy.” Pretty health, in their mind, means that how they are living their lives at the moment is good […]

This is a charged topic – lots of emotional energy surround the word “fat”. The reality is that fat is not bad; meaning that it has a function in the body. The media/big pharma has turned fat into “public enemy #1” and launched a battle against it. The battle against the bulge is a cash […]