harness the power of laser light
Lasers come in all different colors and power outputs. Not all lasers accomplish the same things. Lasers that cause a "healing" affect in the body are specific in their energy output and color wavelength.
There is a narrow "therapeutic window" or healing window in the body that is influenced by lasers. These lasers need to be low level (around 5 mW) and need to be in the 635 nm wavelength (the red color). Lasers outside of this range or color will not have the same affect on healing the body.
The healing effect of the laser is in its ability to stimulate the body cells to increase more energy (thereby increasing healing) and in increased the cells ability to communicate. Cells that communicate more effectively are better at handling body stress.
Our Low Level Laser Applications
We use low level lasers or "cold lasers" to stimulate and upregulate the tone and balance of muscles. The goal of the adjustment is to re-align the bones of the spine. However, if, due to muscle memory, the muscles associated with that corrected joint are still tight or contracted, they will work at undoing the work of the adjustment.
Through specific tests the balance and tone of the muscles can be evaluated and improved through the use of cold laser therapy.